Thursday, March 22, 2007

Archetypal Jungian postmodern schemas of Tori

So I've been reading all the Tori news and speculation as it trickles in at the pace of a glacier, pre-global warming. Yesterday and today we did get an actual bit of official tori news, and an audio message from Tori (she's certifiably crazy)

I love this poster's take on what the American doll posse represents (there are also rumors of a 6th secret doll-- ala the rooster:

The cover picture is of the 5 archtypical Jungian postmodern schemas of Tori as a woman musician, and we are the mirrors which reflect that. In reality, there is only one girl in that picture, and that's Tori. All the others are imaginary. The rooster is also the secret 6th girl. It's not a rooster. It's just a really butch lesbian chicken.

To make the marketing even more convuluted Tori released this cryptic audio message yesterday:

Tori’s message:

Hey there, this is Tori. So by now you may have heard about American Doll Posse. I wanted to officially introduce you to the girls. They will all be going on tour. We’re out shopping right now, and I can’t keep a-hold of a-one of them. They’d love to get to know you; they’ve all heard so much about you. You can look for them online. They will all be accessible if you can find their blogs, which they update frequently. Instead of an Easter egg hunt this season, I’m hosting a Posse hunt. Happy hunting.

Okay- Tori, what? They posted 5 blogs that each of the "dolls" created somewhere out there on the internet and all the crazed Tori fans are searching for them? Dear God. As shown above-- Tori's "Strange Little Girls" album from 6 years ago- do we remember that? "American Doll Posse" is like Part II, me thinks.

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