Thursday, April 5, 2007

Oh my little Milf...

The interviews are beginning to roll in-- MTV title:
Tori Amos Forms Anti-Bush Posse By Mutating Into Greek Goddesses

So Tori is doing her character's on the tour for the first part, and then "Tori" comes out the second part. It's been officially confirmed that tori's real hair will not be making an appearance on the tour. Apparently, it's having a hard time. My mom always said that if I kept dying my hair it would all fall out-- and after seeing semi-recent pics of Tori, I believe her. Years or overstyling, dye and abuse have taken their toll on my favorite faux redhead forcing the tori to wear wigs. Lots of wigs-- God forbid the wig fall off when she tosses her head back while singing. That would be embarrassing.

Tori recently say that she spends a lot more time in Florida than people think. About half the time when she's not working-- tori's house in Florida is so close to mine-- I'm gonna run into her sometime.

Which Tori Amos song are you?

Yes, Anastasia

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

do you know where toris house in fl is located?? did you check it out? id like to see it. have you seen any pics of tori with real hair? is tori gonna tour in us or europe only?

george/ not fred